INSTANTLY ADD 29 YARDS to your drives WITHOUT swinging faster!

Picture this: you’re standing on the golf course, ready to unleash a massive drive that will leave your buddies in awe. But here’s the catch – you don’t have to swing faster to add a whopping 29 yards to your drives! That’s right, you can achieve this distance boost without breaking a sweat. And the secret? It’s all in the elbow! Just ask Alex Elliott Golf, the PGA golf professional and Top 50 world coach who recently discovered this game-changing technique. In his video, he breaks down the keys to adding distance, hitting fairways, and improving your overall game. So grab your driver and get ready to unlock the power of the elbow, because you’re about to become the long-drive champion of your golf group!

But that’s not all. Alex Elliott Golf has more tricks up his sleeve to help you become a more consistent and efficient golfer. From squaring the clubface to improving rotation in your swing, he reveals the secrets that will have you adding distance in no time. So whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, don’t miss out on this must-watch video that will catapult your golf game to new heights. Say goodbye to slicing and hooking your driver, and hello to longer, straighter shots that will make you the envy of every golfer on the course. It’s time to take your drives to the next level, and it all starts with mastering the elbow technique. Get ready to revolutionize your game and impress your golf buddies with your newfound distance and accuracy!

The Importance of Elbow in Adding Distance to Your Drives

When it comes to golf, every player is constantly looking for ways to improve their game and hit those coveted long drives. Many golfers believe that the only way to increase their distance is by swinging faster, but that’s not always the case. In fact, by focusing on the position of your elbow during the swing, you can add valuable yards to your drives without having to increase your swing speed.

Explanation of how adding 29 yards to drives is possible without swinging faster

You may be wondering how it’s possible to add 29 yards to your drives without swinging faster. Well, it all comes down to the role of the elbow in your swing. The position of your elbow can greatly impact the distance and accuracy of your shots. By maintaining a proper elbow position throughout your swing, you can optimize your power transfer and generate more clubhead speed, resulting in those extra yards.

The role of the elbow in increasing distance and accuracy

The elbow plays a crucial role in the efficiency of your golf swing. When your elbow is in the correct position, it allows for a full range of motion and a proper release of energy through impact. This leads to increased clubhead speed and, consequently, more distance. Additionally, a well-positioned elbow helps promote accuracy by ensuring that the clubhead travels along the intended path, minimizing the chances of errant shots.

Personal experience at the Beef golf day

To really understand the importance of the elbow in adding distance to your drives, let me share my personal experience at the Beef golf day. As an average golfer looking to improve my game, I attended a golf clinic hosted by pro golfer Beef. During the clinic, Beef emphasized the significance of the elbow position and introduced a few simple drills to help us optimize our elbow motion.

I was initially skeptical, thinking that such a small adjustment wouldn’t make a significant difference. However, after implementing the suggested changes and focusing on my elbow position, I noticed a remarkable improvement in my drives. Not only did I gain an extra 29 yards, but my shots also became more accurate and consistent. It was a game-changer for me, and I couldn’t wait to share this newfound knowledge with others.

Key Questions About the Golf Swing

Now that we understand the importance of the elbow in adding distance to our drives, let’s delve into some key questions about the golf swing and uncover the secrets to maximizing your potential.

How to keep the left arm straight in the golf swing

One common mistake many golfers make is allowing their left arm to bend during the swing. This can lead to a loss of power and control. To keep your left arm straight, focus on maintaining a solid connection between your upper left arm and your chest. This connection will help restrict unnecessary bending and promote a more synchronized swing.

Understanding the importance of grip in maintaining a straight left arm

The grip is often underestimated when it comes to maintaining a straight left arm. By gripping the club properly, you can create a more stable and aligned position for your arm. Place the club across the base of your fingers and ensure your left hand grip is firm but not overly tight. This will help you keep your left arm straight throughout the swing, promoting a more efficient and powerful motion.

Demonstration of a simple drill to check grip and maintain a straight left arm

To quickly check your grip and ensure a straight left arm, try this simple drill. Take your golf stance, and without a club, place your hands together as if you were holding one. Mimicking the grip you would have on a club, check that your left arm is straight and fully extended. This drill allows you to assess your hand position and arm alignment, helping you make any necessary adjustments to maintain a straight left arm during your swing.

INSTANTLY ADD 29 YARDS to your drives WITHOUT swinging faster!

Getting the Turn in the Golf Swing

A proper turn in the golf swing is vital for generating power and distance. Without a sufficient turn, you risk limiting your ability to fully utilize your body’s rotational torque, leading to weaker shots and decreased distance. Let’s explore some tips on how to achieve a more effective turn in your swing.

Importance of a proper turn in generating power and distance

When you watch professional golfers hit those monstrous drives, one thing becomes abundantly clear – their ability to generate power and distance is closely tied to their turn. By fully rotating their upper body and hips, they harness the energy stored within their muscles and transfer it into their swing. This enables them to generate greater clubhead speed and consequently, hit the ball further down the fairway.

Using a hula hoop to illustrate the concept of turn

To better understand the concept of turn, envision yourself holding a hula hoop around your waist. As you rotate your body, notice how the hoop remains centered and creates a full circle. This is the same principle that applies to your golf swing. By rotating your upper body and maintaining a centered turn, you create a more efficient swing path, resulting in increased power and distance.

Tips on maintaining a consistent turn during the swing

To ensure a consistent turn, focus on rotating your shoulders fully on the backswing while allowing your hips to rotate naturally in sync. Avoid any excessive lateral or swaying movements, as they can disrupt the integrity of your turn. Additionally, be mindful of maintaining good posture throughout your swing, as a slouched posture can hinder your ability to achieve a complete turn.

The Key to Width in the Backswing

Another crucial element in maximizing your distance off the tee is achieving sufficient width in your backswing. Width refers to the distance between your hands at the top of the swing. Let’s explore why width is so important and discover a drill to help you master this aspect of your swing.

Importance of width in the backswing for power and distance

Width in the backswing is vital for generating power and distance because it allows for a greater arc and increased potential energy. When you achieve ample width, you create more room to generate speed and power as you transition into the downswing. This longer arc leads to increased clubhead speed, resulting in greater distance down the fairway.

Observation of professional golfers with impeccable width

If you closely observe professional golfers, you’ll notice that their width in the backswing is truly impressive. They effortlessly maintain that wide and powerful-looking arc, which stems from proper sequencing and coordinated movement. By emulating their width, you can tap into the potential for more distance in your own swing.

Drill to practice maintaining width in the backswing

To practice maintaining width in your backswing, try this simple drill. Take your normal golf stance and hold a club with both hands, gripping it normally. As you take the club back, concentrate on keeping your hands and arms extended, maximizing the distance between your hands. Focus on maintaining this width throughout your backswing and into your downswing. This drill will help reinforce the feeling of width and make it easier to incorporate into your swing.

INSTANTLY ADD 29 YARDS to your drives WITHOUT swinging faster!

Combining Grip, Turn, and Width for Added Distance

Now that we have covered the individual components of grip, turn, and width, it’s time to explore how these elements can work together to boost your distance off the tee. By mastering the combination of grip, turn, and width, you can unlock the full potential of your swing.

Understanding how grip, turn, and width work together to increase distance

When your grip, turn, and width are in sync, your swing becomes a well-oiled machine capable of generating maximum power and distance. A strong grip gives you more control over the club, enabling a more aggressive turn. This turn, combined with proper width, allows for a longer and more powerful swing arc, resulting in increased clubhead speed at impact. The synergy between these elements is what ultimately adds those precious extra yards to your drives.

Explanation of how the author gained 29 yards by combining these elements

As previously mentioned, I had the opportunity to attend the Beef golf day and learn firsthand how grip, turn, and width can transform your game. By implementing the suggested changes and practicing the drills, I was able to combine these elements successfully and gain an impressive 29 yards on my drives. It was truly remarkable to see how such small adjustments could have such a significant impact on my overall performance.

Demonstration of how to incorporate grip, turn, and width in your swing

To incorporate grip, turn, and width in your swing, start by checking your grip and ensuring it’s firm but not overly tight. Maintain this grip throughout your swing, allowing your wrists to hinge naturally and freeing up your shoulders for a proper turn. As you turn, focus on maintaining width by extending your arms and maximizing the distance between your hands. Remember, it’s the combination of these three elements in harmony that will deliver those extra yards and improved performance.

Applying the Techniques on the Golf Course

Now that you’ve practiced and honed your skills in grip, turn, and width, it’s time to take your newfound knowledge to the golf course. Here are some tips on how to apply these techniques during a round of golf and reap the benefits they offer.

Demonstration of how to apply the techniques during a round of golf

When you step onto the course, begin by ensuring your grip is consistent and comfortable. As you address the ball, take a moment to visualize your intended shot and focus on maintaining a proper turn during your swing. Allow your body to rotate naturally, letting your shoulders and hips lead the way. And don’t forget about maintaining that crucial width in your backswing. By incorporating these techniques into your swing, you’ll be well on your way to hitting longer and more accurate shots.

Benefits of using the grip, turn, and width techniques on the course

By utilizing the grip, turn, and width techniques on the course, you’ll notice a myriad of benefits. Firstly, you’ll experience increased distance off the tee, giving you shorter approach shots into the greens. This can lead to more birdie opportunities and lower scores. Additionally, by maintaining a proper turn and utilizing width, you’ll have a more stable and powerful swing, resulting in greater accuracy and consistency. This combination of distance and control is a winning formula for success on the golf course.

Personal success using these techniques on Beef’s golf day

On Beef’s golf day, I put these techniques to the test, and the results exceeded my expectations. By focusing on my grip, turn, and width, I consistently hit longer and straighter drives, setting myself up for better scoring opportunities throughout the round. It was a revelation to experience firsthand how these techniques could instantly improve my game, and I couldn’t be more thrilled with the progress I made.

INSTANTLY ADD 29 YARDS to your drives WITHOUT swinging faster!


In this comprehensive article, we have explored the importance of the elbow in adding distance to your drives. By focusing on the position of your elbow, you can optimize your power transfer and increase your clubhead speed, resulting in those coveted extra yards. We have also delved into key questions about the golf swing, including maintaining a straight left arm and achieving a proper turn. Additionally, we learned about the significance of width in the backswing for increased power and distance. By combining grip, turn, and width, you have the potential to unlock the full power of your swing and hit longer, more accurate shots.

So, the next time you step onto the golf course, remember to check your grip, focus on maintaining a proper turn and width, and pay close attention to the position of your elbow. With practice and dedication, you can revolutionize your game and achieve new levels of success. The journey to longer drives starts with the elbow – embrace it, harness its power, and watch your golf game reach new heights of excellence. Happy golfing!