Stop Looking At The Club Face and Discover Accurate Golf Shots!

Tired of constantly staring at the club face and still not hitting accurate shots? Well, my friend, you’re in luck because AlexElliottGolf has the solution for you! In his latest video, he reveals a simple drill that will transform your game and take you from amateur to pro level ball striking in just 5 minutes! Say goodbye to aiming with the club face, because that’s a rookie mistake. Instead, Alex suggests aiming with your grip to strike the ball longer, straighter, and hit more greens. He even shares a special hack to get your club face square to the target and unleash your inner tour pro. So, if you’re tired of slicing, hooking, and all those other frustrating shots, it’s time to embrace this new golf discovery and start hitting the ball like a pro!

We all know how confusing it can be when it comes to aiming our bodies and club face on the golf course. But fear not, because AlexElliottGolf is here to save the day! In his entertaining and informative video, he breaks down the key steps to aiming correctly and taking your newfound accuracy straight to the course. From setting up a ball to target line to using a grip hack and aligning your body parallel left, Alex explains it all in his signature simple and humorous style. So, if you’re ready to stop the madness of aimlessly staring at the club face, it’s time to discover accurate golf shots with AlexElliottGolf!

Stop Looking At The Club Face and Discover Accurate Golf Shots!

Stop Looking At The Club Face and Discover Accurate Golf Shots!


Welcome to this comprehensive article on how to improve your golf game and achieve accurate golf shots. In this article, we will be discussing a video by AlexElliottGolf that reveals a new golf discovery and provides valuable tips for improving your ball striking. So, if you’re tired of struggling with your shots and want to take your game to the next level, keep reading!

About the video by AlexElliottGolf

The video by AlexElliottGolf introduces a new approach to aiming in golf. Alex emphasizes the importance of not aiming with the club face, as many golfers often mistakenly do. Instead, he suggests aiming with your grip and using it to strike the ball longer, straighter, and more accurately. The video promises to teach you a simple golf tip that will help you hit the ball so much better.

The importance of accurate golf shots

Accurate golf shots are crucial for improving your game and achieving consistent results. Accuracy allows you to hit more greens, lower your scores, and ultimately play like a pro. However, many golfers struggle with their shot accuracy, often due to misalignment or improper aiming techniques. That’s where AlexElliottGolf’s video comes in handy, offering valuable insights on how to overcome this challenge.

The misconception of aiming with the club face

It is a common misconception among golfers that aiming with the club face is the correct way to line up a shot. However, AlexElliottGolf explains that this approach can be unreliable because the club face can move during your swing. Therefore, relying solely on the club face to aim can lead to inconsistent results. Instead, he suggests aiming with your grip, which provides a more reliable and consistent way to align your shots.

A new golf discovery

In his video, AlexElliottGolf introduces a new golf discovery that aims to help golfers achieve accurate shots. He suggests using your grip to get the club face square to the target. By aligning the club face correctly, you can improve your ball striking, hit the ball straighter and longer, and ultimately lower your scores. This new approach promises to revolutionize the way golfers aim and have a significant impact on their game.

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The importance of aiming with your grip

Aiming with your grip is a crucial aspect of achieving accurate and consistent golf shots. By aligning your grip correctly, you can ensure that the club face is square to the target at impact, leading to straighter and more consistent shots. Aiming with your grip allows you to have better control over the club face and improve your ball striking.

Aiming with your grip for longer and straighter shots

When you aim with your grip, you have better control over the club face’s alignment, helping you hit longer and straighter shots. By aligning your grip with the target, you can set up the club face to strike the ball with maximum accuracy and power. this alignment ensures that the club face is square at impact, creating a solid and consistent contact with the ball.

Getting the club face square to the target

To achieve accurate shots, it’s essential to get the club face square to the target at impact. Aiming with your grip allows you to align the club face correctly and eliminate any misalignment that may occur during your swing. By focusing on the grip’s position and ensuring it is aligned with the target, you can effectively position the club face for maximum accuracy.

A small golf hack to grip the club correctly

AlexElliottGolf shares a small golf hack to help golfers grip the club correctly and ensure an accurate alignment. He suggests using the markings on the grip to determine the club face’s position. By using these markings, you can easily check if the club face is square, open, or closed and make adjustments accordingly. This small hack simplifies the process of gripping the club and ensures a consistent and accurate alignment.

The impact of a square clubface

A square club face is essential for accurate golf shots. When the club face is square to the target, it allows for a clean strike on the ball, resulting in a more accurate shot. By aiming with your grip and ensuring the club face is square, you can greatly improve your ball striking and achieve the desired results on the course.

Ensuring a square stance to hit straighter shots

Apart from aligning the club face correctly, it’s also crucial to have a square stance to hit straighter shots. By aligning your body parallel to the ball to target line, you can ensure that your swing path is in line with the target. This alignment, combined with a square club face, provides the foundation for hitting straighter shots consistently.

Taking the golf tip to the course

The beauty of the golf tip provided by AlexElliottGolf is its simplicity and practicality. Once you understand the concept of aiming with your grip, you can easily apply it to your game. Whether you’re on the driving range or the golf course, you can implement this tip immediately and start hitting more accurate shots. This tip is not just a practice drill; it’s a technique you can take to the course and apply in real-game situations.

Subscribing to AlexElliottGolf for more simple golf tips

If you’re intrigued by AlexElliottGolf’s approach and want to learn more simple golf tips, it’s highly recommended to subscribe to his channel. AlexElliottGolf regularly shares valuable insights, tips, and drills to help golfers improve their game. By subscribing, you can stay updated with the latest golf advice and continue to enhance your skills on the course.

Booking a golf lesson with AlexElliottGolf

For golfers looking for personalized guidance and instruction, AlexElliottGolf offers golf lessons. Booking a golf lesson with AlexElliottGolf can provide you with individualized feedback and help you address specific areas of improvement in your game. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, a golf lesson can be a valuable investment in your golfing journey.

Keeping up to date with the latest golf news

To stay informed about the latest developments in the golf world, it’s recommended to subscribe to AlexElliottGolf’s second channel, Back9Films. This channel covers the latest golf news and provides insights into the professional golfing world. By staying updated with the latest golf news, you can gain a deeper understanding of the game and stay connected with the golfing community.

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The grip hack to aim accurately

To aim accurately in golf, AlexElliottGolf suggests using a grip hack that simplifies the alignment process. By using the markings on the grip, you can determine whether the club face is square, open, or closed. This grip hack acts as a visual aid and allows you to align the club face accurately.

Using markings on the grip to determine the club face position

The markings on the grip serve as a guide to determine the position of the club face. By observing the position of the markings, you can quickly ascertain whether the club face is square, open, or closed. This visual feedback helps you make necessary adjustments and ensures a correct alignment.

A routine for aiming accurately

To consistently aim accurately in golf, it’s essential to establish a routine. AlexElliottGolf suggests a routine that involves checking the club face and grip alignment, as well as positioning the hands and building a parallel left body. Following this routine helps create a consistent and accurate alignment every time you address the ball.

Imagining the golf club as the ball to target line

As part of the aiming routine, it’s helpful to imagine the golf club as the ball to target line. By aligning the club face and the grip with this imaginary line, you can establish a clear and accurate aiming point. This visualization technique enhances your alignment and improves your ability to hit the ball accurately.

Checking the club face and grip alignment

Before taking your shot, it’s crucial to check the club face and grip alignment to ensure they are in sync. By confirming that the markings on the grip are directly on top, you can verify that the club face is square to the target. This quick check ensures that you are starting with a correct alignment.

Positioning the hands and building a parallel left body

In addition to aligning the club face with your grip, it’s important to position your hands correctly. Placing your hands in the correct position helps promote a square club face and a consistent swing path. Additionally, building a parallel left body alignment creates a strong and stable foundation for hitting straighter shots.

Hitting accurate shots with the correct aim

By implementing the grip hack and following the aiming routine, you can hit accurate shots with the correct aim. The combination of a square club face, aligned grip, and parallel left body ensures that you strike the ball cleanly and accurately. This leads to straighter shots and improved overall performance on the golf course.

Saving time with the quick and easy routine

One of the advantages of the aiming routine suggested by AlexElliottGolf is its simplicity and efficiency. The routine can be done quickly and easily, saving you time on the course. Instead of overthinking your alignment, you can trust the routine and confidently address the ball, knowing that you have aimed accurately.


In conclusion, accurate golf shots are essential for improving your game and achieving consistent results. Aiming with your grip, as suggested by AlexElliottGolf in his video, can greatly enhance your ball striking and overall performance on the golf course. By following the grip hack and establishing a routine for accurate aiming, you can take your golf game to the next level. So, stop looking at the club face and start discovering accurate golf shots today! Don’t forget to subscribe to AlexElliottGolf’s channel for more simple golf tips and consider booking a golf lesson for personalized instruction. Happy golfing!